Category: News

  • RCO 2017-2018 Concert Season

    Save the date for the following Richmond Community Orchestra Concerts:

    Sun 10/29/2017 3:30 Goddard Auditorium, Earlham College
    Sun 11/26/2017 3:30 Goddard Auditorium, Earlham College
    Mon 11/27/2017 6:30 Friends Fellowship Community
    Sun 3/4/2018 3:30 Goddard Auditorium, Earlham College
    Sun 5/6/2018 3:30 Civic Hall, Richmond High School
    Mon 5/7/2018 6:30 Friends Fellowship Community

    Mon 6/18/2018 7:30 Elstro Plaza, 47 N 6th St, Richmond

    Possibly a performance on or about July 4th.
  • RCO Rehearsals Begin Monday September 11

    Richmond Community Orchestra’s first rehearsal for the fall will be Monday September 11, 6:30-8:30pm. Our planned rehearsal schedule for the year will be:

    Mondays 6:30-8:30 Goddard Auditorium, Carpenter Hall, Earlham College.
    2017: 9/11-11/20
    2018: 1/22-4/30, 5/14, 5/21, 6/4, 6/11, 6/25, 7/2
    Please mark your calendars.
  • Free Concert at Elstro Plaza – Monday June 19

    RCO Elstro Plaza Concert Poster

    Bring your lawn chair &
    join RCO for a free outdoor concert!

    Monday June 19, 7pm
    Elstro Plaza
    (across from Morrisson-Reeves Library)

    Concert includes “Overture to Merry Wives of Windsor”,  one of the two plays being performed June 16-July 1 by the Richmond Shakespeare Festival.