Category: Previous Performances

  • City Arts – Nightmare in the Park

    RCO 2018 Nightmare in the Park

    Saturday October 6th

    5:00 pm ·

    Glen Miller Park Playground

    Richmond, Indiana


    We will be playing some selections from our Fall concert, including This is Halloween, Danse Macabre, Symphonie Fantastique-March to the Scaffold, and Night on Bare Mountain.

  • October 29 Concert

    Sun 10/29/2017 3:30 Goddard Auditorium, Earlham College

    Free Admission

    Planned Program:

    Star Trek Through the Years Arr. Custer, Calvin
    Light Cavalry Overture Suppe,Franz von
    Procession of the Sardar Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail
    Symphony No. 5 “Reformation”  Finale Mendelssohn, Felix
    Bacchanal from Sampson & Delilah Saint-Saens, Camille


  • Spring Concert – May 21st

    RCO Spring Concert

    Sunday, May 21st  3:30 p.m.

    Goddard Auditorium, Carpenter Hall  Earlham College Campus

    Richmond, Indiana

    Featuring: Guest performance from student members of our Strings Initiative Program