Category: Members

  • String Rehearsals Resume Monday April 12

    RCO will be resuming rehearsals for string players only on April 12.
    Rehearsals will take place in the Richmond Senior Center, 1600 S Second St, Richmond.

    Rehearsals are on Mondays, 6:30-8:00pm
    April 12, 19, 26
    May 3, 10, 17, 24

    Temperatures will be checked before entry.
    Masks must be worn at all times. Seats will be placed 6ft apart and members are asked to socially distance themselves at all times.

  • Remainder of RCO Season canceled due to Covid 19

    It is disappointing, but perhaps not surprising, that we find it necessary to cancel the remaining performances of the Richmond Community Orchestra for the current season, due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

    The RCO concerts on May 3 (Civic Hall), and June 8 (Elstro Plaza) are canceled.

    It is abundantly clear that it would be too risky for the health of our players to rehearse until the risk of COVID-19 infection has passed. Similarly, it will be too risky for the health of our audience members to assemble for a performance anytime in the next 8 weeks.

    RCO members are still practicing music individually at home in anticipation of the time when we can perform again, perhaps later this summer, or next fall.

  • RCO Suspends Rehearsals

    It is with regret we announce that in response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Richmond Community Orchestra has suspended all rehearsals until further notice. We have made no decision regarding our scheduled May 3 performance at Civic Hall. We will continue to monitor this crisis and update you as we can. Please continue to practice your parts and make music!