Author: RCO Webteam

  • March 3 Concert Canceled

    Because of the forecast for 6 to 10 inches of snow for Sunday March 3, 2019, the Richmond Community Orchestra has decided to cancel our concert for the safety of our musicians and audience.
    Our next concert is planned for Sunday May 5, 3:30-5:00pm, Civic Hall, Richmond High School, 380 Hub Etchison Parkway, Richmond.


  • 2019 Rehearsals

    RCO musicians, the first rehearsal for our Spring 2019 Concert will be Monday January 28th.


    Goddard Auditorium

    Earlham College

    Richmond Indiana

  • 2019 Upcoming Concerts

    Save the date for our upcoming concerts:

    Sun, March 3, 2019, time and location TBA
    Sun, May 5, 2019, 3:30-5:00, Civic Hall
    Mon, May 6, 2019, 6:30-8:30, location TBA
    Mon, June 10, 7:30-9:00, Elstro Plaza, 47 N 6th St, Richmond